Scrap Yard Knife Company

Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it

Posted By: Rainwalker

Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 08:33 AM

Well I've been trying to get to the theater for a couple of weeks now, I really wanted to see this one. Being a big fan of the first two versions "Last Man On Earth" with Vincent Price, and "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston, I really wanted to see the new version with Will Smith.

Finally made it this afternoon. It was a good flick. I'm not really ready to say it was better than the previous versions or that it was outstanding, but I still really enjoyed it. I think they did a great CG job on the city and Monster/Zombies. I look forward to seeing it again when it comes out on DVD in the future. So I give it a Thumbs Up, very entertaining flick. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />

The only real con to me was that it seamed to be over too fast, I could have enjoyed a little longer version, maybe the eventual DVD will have a longer Directors Cut. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

So has anyone else seen it? What'd you think?
Posted By: macgregor

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 08:40 AM

I want to see it so bad, was suposed to go with my buds but they canceled
I have seen the original Vincent Price
cheesy but good
I recomend Charlie Wilsons War to for those who like high end humor
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 09:03 AM

I want to see it so bad, was suposed to go with my buds but they canceled
I have seen the original Vincent Price
cheesy but good
I recomend Charlie Wilsons War to for those who like high end humor

I wasn't sure what to think of that one until I heard an interview with Tom Hanks, it got me interested in it. I'm glad to hear a recommendation on it. I don't really go to too many movies and I have to see "National Treasure 2" so I may have to wait on the DVD on that one, but I'll look forward to it when I do finally get a chance to see it, Thanks.
Posted By: macgregor

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 09:12 AM

there are some classic moments in CWW if you consider todays events
we need more congressmen like him
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 09:17 AM

From what I hear, CW was a very interesting an colorful character.
Posted By: Unsub

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 09:52 AM

I loved CCW(Great acronym)as well. It really skipedout how the US and especially the saudis only funded the Pashtuns particularly the ones who supported sharia law
at the expense of the Tajiks(The Northern Alliance)who did most of the fighting against the soviets. In fact most of the US and Saudi money went to fighting the Tajiks not the Soviets. Afghanistan never had sharia law before and was considered the most liberal muslim country and a great vacation spot. It even had bars for tourists and women could drive,work and go to school. The Tajiks are the ones doing most of the fighting with our guys against the taliban. I have friends over there who are very impressed with them. They are tough bastards who patrol on flat bed trucks where we only go in tanks.

The head of the Northern Alliance Massoud was murdered by Al Quaida 2 days before sept 11. He was the one guy who probably could have captured Osama. The Pakistani secret service was also terrible for funding the worst sharia law supporting taliban warlords but for different reasons. They wanted the Pashtuns to give up claims to land on their side of the afghan border(there are Pashtuns on either side)for this they used your money and guns.

If it was not for Charlie Wilson and the Saudis there would be no Taliban.
Posted By: snook

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 07:41 PM

I saw it I am Legend recently and found it to be pretty good, though it did have some flaws and could have gone more in depth into a couple things (ah the dvd extras). Also managed to catch 30 days of night which I found to be an awesome vampire movie.

On a side note who's gonna change their house now or already has it bomb proof? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: diceman

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 09:14 PM

I Am Legend was very good - the wife and I finally found some time to go to the theater, and thats what we decided to see. I'll buy it on DVD, for sure.
Posted By: mhawg

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/30/07 09:50 PM

I Am Legend. Just another cautionary tale. Don't F*ck with Mother Nature!! Can't say I fully agree.
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 12:10 AM

On a side note who's gonna change their house now or already has it bomb proof? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

It's food for thought, for sure!

Been thinking about my Zombie proofing techniques. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I may need some improvements, who knew there might be smart ones. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Leatherface

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 12:32 AM

I enjoyed it I do admit

I was screaming "PLOT POINT" when he crawled away from the rifle

house folding like a house of cards was another point that really annoyed me to no end

good movie though

makes me wanna rent "last man on Earth" and "Omega Man" for a rewatch
Posted By: Unsub

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 12:33 AM

Charlton Heston would kick Will's butt.
Posted By: Horn Dog

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 01:46 AM

I wouln't pay a nickel to see Will Smith in anything.
Posted By: diceman

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 01:51 AM

Why is that, Vic? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> (Someone's gotta ask!)

I seem to recall something about 10 years ago - an interview or article maybe - where Will Smith said some craziness about how AIDs was created by white people to kill off the black race - some real interesting ridiculous views on something... I remember boycotting him for a while after that, and Its been a long time...
Posted By: Horn Dog

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 02:15 AM

Nothing like that. I just don't care for him. I enjoy many actors and artists who hold views I disagree with, like Tom Cruise. Will Smith just annoys me.
Posted By: diceman

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 02:21 AM

I share your philosophy on that - I didn't get too worked up over the Mel Gibson stuff, or Cruise.

My wife and I watch old re-runs of The Fresh Prince w/ Will Smith all the time - he's come a long ways since then!
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 02:45 AM

I gotta admit I'm not a big Will Smith fan, and he definitely wouldn't have been my first choice for the movie, but I love the story so I had to go see it.

I didn't care much for the Wild Wild West remake, that Will was in, but I've always enjoyed ID4, he's not really the star in that one though, just one of them.
Posted By: Wiggitty

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 03:26 AM

me and zero nine saw it. i really liked it. but then i guess i'm alone in actually really liking will smith in movies.
Posted By: J33psr0ck

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 03:30 AM

I am going to see the movie, but Will ain't my cup of tea either.
Posted By: stansbrew

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 03:45 AM

I liked the movie, but I saw an interview with Smith after I saw the movie and thought WOW he is an idot!
But the movie didn't suck at all.
I give it a 3.5 out of 5
Posted By: rooikat

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 08:16 AM

It was, without a doubt, one of my favorite 'new' movies of all time.
The original Omega Man is one of my all-time top five, or so.
I enjoyed the nods to the Omega Man, as well as the credit gibven to the writers of the Omega Man script.
Did I mention that I loved the film? We saw it opening night, and the audience was mostly kids. When it was over, maybe half the audeince gave it a standing ovation. The kid behind me said it was the best film he ever saw.
My main problem? .223 on deer? Come on, guns are free, at his point in time. Where was the socom II? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
My Wife dug it, a lot.

I must admit, I was not looking forward to seeing Will. Arnold had been 'cast' when they first started the script, maybe 15 years ago. I had been waiting for the film all this time. When he was attached to the project, I just couldnt see him filling Heston's shoes. To give him credit, he pulled it off.

My rating? 6 out of 5.
Posted By: Wiggitty

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 03:49 PM

i think i will probably buy the movie when it comes out.
Posted By: Wiggitty

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 03:51 PM

i can see carrying an M4 around. plenty of them and plenty of ammo available. but with badguys lurking in the shadows, i think i would have carried the SAW. there was a glimpse of one in his gun locker.
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 07:32 PM

i think i will probably buy the movie when it comes out.

I'll buy it too, I'm sure. I have The Last Man On Earth. Now I'm wanting to get a copy of the Omega Man, I haven't seen that one in a while. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: 12Bravo

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 12/31/07 07:36 PM

I liked the movie. It was really nothing like the book. They never really led you to believe that the "creatures" were vampires, they almost led you to believe that they were these superhuman zombies. I don’t think I would have made that conclusion if I hadn’t read the book. The book and movie are good in there own right. I don’t like the fact that it was completely different than the book, but it was a very cool and modern way to interpret the book, and they actually did a good job. Thumbs up in my book.
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/01/08 12:34 AM

I bought the book with some of my Christmas money, I can't wait to read it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: rooikat

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/01/08 03:15 AM

The Omega Man came out on DVD recently, with added scenes. I got mine thru

I was also enough to score the I am Legend comic series, thanks to an awesome friend. It is based on the original book.
Posted By: Rainwalker

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/01/08 07:23 AM

The Omega Man came out on DVD recently, with added scenes. I got mine thru

Great info, Thanks! I gotta have that! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: macgregor

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 07:21 AM

I saw the ending on youtube
I have a few Q's
why didnt he live in a skyscrapper above those things, it seems alot safer than having a house on ground level
and who are the people in the town at the end
Posted By: macgregor

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 07:25 AM

and what cause all of the events in the movie
Posted By: tedwca

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 07:30 AM

and what cause all of the events in the movie

They developed a virus that cured cancer. It had some unfortunate side effects though.
Posted By: tedwca

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 07:32 AM

I saw the ending on youtube
I have a few Q's
why didnt he live in a skyscrapper above those things, it seems alot safer than having a house on ground level
and who are the people in the town at the end

The vampires actually lived in some of the skyscrapers. He lived in the suburbs and used bleach to mask his scent when he went home.
Posted By: macgregor

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 07:35 AM

couldnt he have cleared out a few skyscrapers
I would of built a fortress or fled to the hills
who were the people in the town at the end
Posted By: tedwca

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 07:58 AM

No, he was pretty much outclassed in the buildings and he went to great lengths to avoid entering large, dark buildings.

Go see the movie to find out who they were.
Posted By: rooikat

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 08:08 AM

I actually thought the carrier would have been a nice hideout. A floating armored fortress.
I plan on seeing the flick again on friday, with my brother. Very few movies I'd spend the money to see twice in the theatre. Actually, this is the only one, so far.
Macgregor, you gotta go see it.
Ted is right. One man alone would have a bitch of a time clearing out buildings in NYC. On second thought,The problem wouldn't be so much the clearing, but keeping them clear afterwards.

One of my buddies used to live across the street from where Neville lived, in the city.
Posted By: macgregor

Re: Finally saw I Am Legend - I liked it - 01/02/08 08:13 AM

I'm gona buy it when it comes out on dvd
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