Scrap Yard Knife Company

Weight Lifting?

Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Weight Lifting? - 01/30/07 08:00 PM

Since I started the Instrument thread I figured I'd see what else we have in common. So does anyone else do any weight lifting? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/30/07 08:31 PM

I first got into it about a year ago...after I was injured in Iraq, I got fat! I went from about 190-240. My cardio is very limited due to injuries.....note the xray to your left, and a torn ACL. So I started weight was going great....I dropped to about 235, but a definite difference in appearence. Then I started working and going back to I stopped going to the gym. Well this semester I took weight lifting to MAKE SURE I get some gym time!
Posted By: Helle

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/30/07 09:29 PM

I've been good for 4 days a week on average for the past 3 years.
This is a far cry from my mid twenties pre married with children put it all helps.

Posted By: lefthandblack

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/30/07 09:41 PM

Yup, Im a certified gym rat. I lift weights three days a week and on alternate days, I box. Sunday is my only rest day. Two of my weightlifting days are on a H.I.T. routine and the third is mostly plyometrics, interval training and bodyweight exercises with some weighted power movements added in to build explosive power and endurance for boxing.

If you want to get in the best shape of your life, find your local boxing gym. Craziest workout I have ever done, and it has practical applications. Alot of boxers neglect lifting weights, because the old school mentality is that it will make you slow. While true if you only work with heavy weights and slow movements, lifting weights the right way can add power, endurance and speed to a boxers arsenal.
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/30/07 09:57 PM

I do more heavy weights than I should. They're just easier than all those reps. I should do more pushups. I only use freeweights right now. with a little jogging and crunches and pushups. I hope to get a resistance trainer to use after I'm done wit my freeweight excercise. I've been weightlifting since I was 12 My brother got me started and I've been doing it off and on since. I did some boxing with my bro once just for fun it is a crazy workout. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/30/07 11:28 PM

..This is a far cry from my mid twenties pre married with children put it all helps..
yep.. that's MY excuse right there!
ball & chain + kids = a LOT less gym time!

i'm tryin to back into it right now.. sold my crappy free weight set years ago when we moved.

With this year's tax money coming up.. I *plan* to get a nice bench, olympic bar & some plates.

..but i've already begun to Spend it on knives! DOH!
Posted By: Cobalt

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 12:00 AM

I curl shot glasses of scotch three times a week for about an hour each time.

I do 3 two minute abb workouts during the week in bed with the wife.

I spend the rest of the time yelling at the kids to stop destroying the house.

when you have a full time job and kids, your workouts are the above if your lucky.
Posted By: Helle

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 12:42 AM

I curl shot glasses of scotch three times a week for about an hour each time.

I do 3 two minute abb workouts during the week in bed with the wife.

I spend the rest of the time yelling at the kids to stop destroying the house.

when you have a full time job and kids, your workouts are the above if your lucky.

Ah, the good old days. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: PSG1

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 12:46 AM

I still do even after ripping both peck muscles benching. I was 208 lbs and benched 405 lbs for two reps. The next week both peck gave away. I bench much now but I still keep after it. Be careful cause no matter your experience or knowledge it can bite you fast.
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 12:48 AM

good points.. when blasting a lot of poundage on free weights.. Have a Spotter!
(preferably someone who can actually get the bar off your chest! trust me!)
Posted By: Helle

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 12:53 AM

I still do even after ripping both peck muscles benching. I was 208 lbs and benched 405 lbs for two reps. The next week both peck gave away. I bench much now but I still keep after it. Be careful cause no matter your experience or knowledge it can bite you fast.

405 man your a animal, and I hear the be careful part, after 35 you just don't heel up as quick.

Posted By: Magnum22

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 12:59 AM

been liftin solo since graduation, before which i was a gym rat as well. hours in the gym and eating maybe around 16 egg whites a day. the entire floor of my dormatory hated me for those eggs. my poor room mate.

i've a pretty nice olympic set at home now but dumbells are expensive. i have hexes up to 45lbs, after that it's pretty much a dollar a pound. to hell with that. i want one of those dip chair/pullup bar/heavy bag towers to round out my gym but i don't have room.
Posted By: Helle

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 01:02 AM

good points.. when blasting a lot of poundage on free weights.. Have a Spotter!
(preferably someone who can actually get the bar off your chest! trust me!)

Funny, on Friday I was doing curls and hear, little hhheeellllpp, I turn and there's a guy with 225lbs. laying on his chest.
Moral of the story, even when not going heavy, just one more can get you pinned without a spotter.

oh yeah, helped him. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 01:36 AM

I still do even after ripping both peck muscles benching. I was 208 lbs and benched 405 lbs for two reps. The next week both peck gave away. I bench much now but I still keep after it. Be careful cause no matter your experience or knowledge it can bite you fast.

Dude that is beastly. My max out is only 230 lbs. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> My Bro always spots for me. I got a ways to go. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 02:01 AM

A good spotter will always help you do more because you can push yourself without the fear of that bar crushing you. My buddy who worked out with me was a whopping 137lbs, he would spot me while I did 315lb benches.....always made me a little nervous so I pushed that much harder. I would even think of doing 400+ without someone on each end of the bar!
Posted By: PSG1

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 03:52 AM

I had a spotter but he couldn't react fast enough. You heard the pop and it dropped. It took two guys to get it off of me. I then stood up, took a few steps, fell to one knee and almost passed out. After I got my head back I drove myself the the ER (should have called an ambulance). Waited in the ER for like 2 hours. I was 35 years old at the time. Saw four different doc's and after a 105 minute MRI they gave me a bunch of Vicodine and said good luck. I was told the most common ripped muscle is the bicep. I think my down fall was my ego. Always bigger and more weight. I have a small frame so it's been hell trying to pack on size. Weighed a hole 135lbs. when I graduated high school. If I would give anyone advice about weight's I would say more is not always better and high reps and low weight and really build muscle with the right diet.
Posted By: perksy

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 03:55 AM

I am big into weights to. I have been doing weights and other fitness training for about 12 years now. I competed in powerlifting for a while and loved that, but these days I go for a more balanced workout. I usually get to the army gym (which is free) three times a week, and do some form of cardio like running and pack marching on other days. Weights is my favorite type of training though and I love the gains you can make when you put the effort in.
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 04:02 AM

I had a spotter but he couldn't react fast enough. You heard the pop and it dropped. It took two guys to get it off of me. I then stood up, took a few steps, fell to one knee and almost passed out. After I got my head back I drove myself the the ER (should have called an ambulance). Waited in the ER for like 2 hours. I was 35 years old at the time. Saw four different doc's and after a 105 minute MRI they gave me a bunch of Vicodine and said good luck. I was told the most common ripped muscle is the bicep. I think my down fall was my ego. Always bigger and more weight. I have a small frame so it's been hell trying to pack on size. Weighed a hole 135lbs. when I graduated high school. If I would give anyone advice about weight's I would say more is not always better and high reps and low weight and really build muscle with the right diet.

That is good advice. I know a guy who says 100 reps of 100 lbs doing squats is like taking steroids. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> So I stick with low weights and high reps with squats.
Posted By: Dumpster Dan

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:13 AM

I curl shot glasses of scotch three times a week for about an hour each time.

I do 3 two minute abb workouts during the week in bed with the wife.

I spend the rest of the time yelling at the kids to stop destroying the house.

when you have a full time job and kids, your workouts are the above if your lucky.

Nothing but 12oz curls for this guy...of bourbon. My biceps are really buffed from the reps...the rest--Oh Well

Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:14 AM

12 oz of Bourbon!!! Holy Cat Scat!!! That'a alot of liqour!
Posted By: crabapple blues

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:16 AM

I had a spotter but he couldn't react fast enough. You heard the pop and it dropped. It took two guys to get it off of me. I then stood up, took a few steps, fell to one knee and almost passed out. After I got my head back I drove myself the the ER (should have called an ambulance). Waited in the ER for like 2 hours. I was 35 years old at the time. Saw four different doc's and after a 105 minute MRI they gave me a bunch of Vicodine and said good luck. I was told the most common ripped muscle is the bicep. I think my down fall was my ego. Always bigger and more weight. I have a small frame so it's been hell trying to pack on size. Weighed a hole 135lbs. when I graduated high school. If I would give anyone advice about weight's I would say more is not always better and high reps and low weight and really build muscle with the right diet.

That is good advice. I know a guy who says 100 reps of 100 lbs doing squats is like taking steroids. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> So I stick with low weights and high reps with squats.

Yeah, I'm with you on the low weights-high reps. I just use my body weight. Dips, pushups, situps, and variations. You won't get really big, but you'll get cut (if you do some fat burnin' too).
Posted By: Tony G

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:22 AM

I lift in the winter. Mainly to Give my body a chance to straighten out from being bent over a desk all day and then over a bicycle in my free time in the spring/fall/summer. I do a lot of high rep circuit training.
Posted By: Dumpster Dan

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:34 AM

12 oz of Bourbon!!! Holy Cat Scat!!! That'a alot of liqour!

Stress management at its finest!

To tell the truth that much Bourbon any more would have me chasing parked cars...but there was a day (college) when I could have been a contender <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Unsub

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 08:05 AM

I used to be into it large egg whites and tuna with some pasta for a treat but now I am so fat it is silly. I am just getting over a horribly pulled calf which used to be one of my strong points. I was shovel my LONG driveway after we got at least 3 feet of snow and it was fine for 2 days then almost fell off. It was a real wakeup call. I am going to have to watch my diet and do light weight and lots of cardio.
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:19 PM

I still do even after ripping both peck muscles benching. I was 208 lbs and benched 405 lbs for two reps. The next week both peck gave away. I bench much now but I still keep after it. Be careful cause no matter your experience or knowledge it can bite you fast.
Dude that is beastly. My max out is only 230 lbs. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> My Bro always spots for me. I got a ways to go. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
yeah Bubba.. my max was only 225 lbs.
Posted By: SSCamaro99_3

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 06:30 PM

At the beginning of 2005 I was up to 226 lbs. Mostly from eating to much, and overindulgence in liquid refreshment. I got back in the gym about 18 months ago. I would do cardio and curcuit train on Monday/Thursday; and swim 1100 meters on Tuesday. I was down to 201 lbs 9 months later, and in the best shape of my life. I don't want to be huge. I just want to be strong, and in good shape. I don't even care if my weight creeps up as long as it is muscle gain.
Posted By: lefthandblack

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 07:18 PM

I still do even after ripping both peck muscles benching. I was 208 lbs and benched 405 lbs for two reps. The next week both peck gave away. I bench much now but I still keep after it. Be careful cause no matter your experience or knowledge it can bite you fast.
Dude that is beastly. My max out is only 230 lbs. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> My Bro always spots for me. I got a ways to go. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
yeah Bubba.. my max was only 225 lbs.

Man, 405 is really good at that bodyweight. I am currently maxed out at 315 for two reps at a bodyweight of 180. A spotter is essential. I have kinda tailed off on lifting heavy weights for maximum poundage however, since I am training to fight. I still lift relatively heavy weights on my HIT days, but I am focusing on conditioning and explosive power now rather than max power.

Bubba, how much do you weigh? A max of 230 is nothing to sneeze at. It is probably more than 90% of the population can do.
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 09:08 PM

I weigh 230. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 01/31/07 11:58 PM

pretty [censored] good.. most of the population cannot bench their own body weight!
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 05:28 AM

pretty [censored] good.. most of the population cannot bench their own body weight!

Thanks. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> I hope to be benching 300 by the time I'm 17.
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 06:27 AM

shoot! i keep forgetting! you're not even 17 yet!

don't stunt your growth bro!
say no to drugs.. keep away from nicotine, caffeine..

ok /end preaching..
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 07:08 AM

I wish I knew what a Busse was when I was 16....then again, I couldn't afford one, not even Scrap Yard then.
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 07:13 AM

good point! I look at those old Busse ads from the 80's/90's and think Hot [censored].. those were Cheap!
but then again.. back then.. shoot.. Didn't even have the cash to Buy the [censored] magazine the Ad was in!
So i guess it's all relative..
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 07:18 AM

shoot! i keep forgetting! you're not even 17 yet!

don't stunt your growth bro!
say no to drugs.. keep away from nicotine, caffeine..

ok /end preaching..

I've been lifting since I was 12. I'm 6 feet tall. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> Don't worry about the drugs or nicotine. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 07:22 AM

I wish I knew what a Busse was when I was 16....then again, I couldn't afford one, not even Scrap Yard then.

Yeah I'm sure glad I found em. Can't afford busse yet. But I hope to start sharpening and sheathmaking and earn some knife money.
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 07:24 AM

..Can't afford busse yet. But I hope to start sharpening and sheathmaking and earn some knife money.
Fwiw.. there's a good "How to make money selling Wood" thread around here somewhere.. prolly need a truck for that..
Posted By: lefthandblack

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/01/07 08:02 AM

pretty [censored] good.. most of the population cannot bench their own body weight!

Thanks. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> I hope to be benching 300 by the time I'm 17.

Whoa! Nevermind! You are only 16! [censored] boy, you aren't even done growing yet at all! That is more than I was benching at 16. At that weight, you will be benching 300 in no time. Keep working, slowly with a good spotter, and you will get there. Do you do weighted dips? They have really helped my max bench. You should try them. And remember, don't neglect the negative portion of the movement, make it slow and deliberate and concentrate on it. It is a power builder for sure!
Posted By: Bubbamets5505

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/02/07 04:32 AM

pretty [censored] good.. most of the population cannot bench their own body weight!

Thanks. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> I hope to be benching 300 by the time I'm 17.

Whoa! Nevermind! You are only 16! [censored] boy, you aren't even done growing yet at all! That is more than I was benching at 16. At that weight, you will be benching 300 in no time. Keep working, slowly with a good spotter, and you will get there. Do you do weighted dips? They have really helped my max bench. You should try them. And remember, don't neglect the negative portion of the movement, make it slow and deliberate and concentrate on it. It is a power builder for sure!

Actually I'm turning 16 in April. I haven't tried weighted dips yet. I'll have to do that. Don't worry about the negative portion. I never try to rush weightlifting. Like you say slow and deliberate. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: perksy

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/02/07 05:34 AM

Geeze some of you guys can move some weight. At the moment my max bench would probably be about 220, but these days I haven't gone below 5 reps for ages so I don't really know. My best for bench was about 245, deadlift 407 and squat was 340. Back then I weighed about 160 but these days I am around 170-175.
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/02/07 06:23 AM

That wouldn't be in kgs would it! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: HEAVY

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/02/07 07:59 PM

I joined a gym and started lifing when I was 11.Been on and off ever since.

Maybe I was too young to start hitting weights so hard. Left me shaped wierd...

I am 6 foot tall. 340 pounds. 60 inch chest 44 inch waist 30 inch inseam. Getting fitted for a tux is fun. I look like Mr. Incredible at the begining of the movie when he is all out of shape... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Nowadays I just throw the kids around for exercise...
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/02/07 11:18 PM

..Left me shaped wierd...

I am 6 foot tall. 340 pounds. 60 inch chest 44 inch waist 30 inch inseam. Getting fitted for a tux is fun..
Yeah well no one's gonna walk up and say you're "shaped wierd" to your face!

matches your screenname too.. LOL
Posted By: HEAVY

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/03/07 03:32 AM

..Left me shaped wierd...

I am 6 foot tall. 340 pounds. 60 inch chest 44 inch waist 30 inch inseam. Getting fitted for a tux is fun..
Yeah well no one's gonna walk up and say you're "shaped wierd" to your face!

matches your screenname too.. LOL

True that. Not called Heavy for nothing. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/03/07 03:42 AM

44" waist.....stop stucking in! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/03/07 03:43 AM

holy i just noticed..
his waist is thicker than my Chest! LOL
Posted By: HEAVY

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/03/07 06:33 AM

44" waist.....stop stucking in! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

NEVER!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

I'm really a 42.....but the 44's feel sooo nice... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: TKC

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/03/07 07:30 PM

WOW! You ARE a big boy, aren't ya!!!
Posted By: Andy Wayne

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/15/07 05:04 AM

I lift off and on. It’s been a while though. We have an olympic bench/bar/weights. We have a ton of other professional weightlifting gear in our basement too, got it cheap. I’ll letcha in on a little secret where to get it cheap. School auctions. Some equipment we only paid $1 for. It would cost hundreds new. Sometimes it’s in ok shape, sometimes it might need some minor painting or recushioning. You can get some really good deals though. Just look in your local paper where the auctions are. Ever now and then a school will get rid of some old equipment.

Because of my essential tremors I couldn’t ever bench very much, but I could leg press 1000 pounds. That much weight hurt my spine though, so I usually would do 500-700 pounds 10-15 times. I didn’t need to train or practice for it, I just tried one day and my legs are naturally that strong.

I am 6 foot tall. 340 pounds. 60 inch chest 44 inch waist 30 inch inseam. Getting fitted for a tux is fun. I look like Mr. Incredible at the begining of the movie when he is all out of shape... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I hate clothes shopping too. Especially pants. Every brand of the same size fits different. At least shirts fit right. I’m 6’1” 300 lbs 50” chest, 42” waist, 32” inseam. Dockers for instance, I have to buy a size 46 to have them fit right with enough leg and seat room.
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/15/07 05:54 AM


Because of my essential tremors I couldn’t ever bench very much, but I could leg press 1000 pounds. That much weight hurt my spine though, so I usually would do 500-700 pounds 10-15 times. I didn’t need to train or practice for it, I just tried one day and my legs are naturally that strong.

My schools gym needs some 100 lb plates...the leg press machine only holds 10 45s (450)lbs....I am good on that for 4 sets 15 reps. I would be interested to see what I could leg press.....I am with you on those big oak legs....good for power and sprints.....wasted on distance running though.....did I mention I hated running even when I was 190lbs.
Posted By: ZeroNine

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/15/07 07:22 AM

Diet, water, rest/sleep, and changing up your routine every couple mmonths or so is critical. By my senior yr in high school (17yrs old) I was able to bench 315 (3 plates) which at the time I thought was cool, Its not. Do not hurt yourself. Genetics is also a factor you can't escape, but discipline can off set this.

When I took my 3 mo vacation to Parris Island, I went in a chisled 220lb god and came out a spindly 177lbs pencil necked dweeb. I had to start all over again, but it came right back.
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/16/07 01:49 AM

It is amazing how fast you turn to soup....I was only good for 5 reps at takes so long to build it up and then lose it so quick.....just like a good chopper collection!
Posted By: PSG1

Re: Weight Lifting? - 02/16/07 03:01 AM

Keep in mind that muscle has memory and it will come back quick if you do it right.
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