Scrap Yard Knife Company

Trip to Vancouver BC

Posted By: Shotgun

Trip to Vancouver BC - 03/20/15 06:52 PM

My wife and I are headed up there early summer. Just wondering if there are any good(short/easy) hikes around and what kind of knife laws BC has. I was thinking of bringing just a sak and a svord peasant but would really like to bring a fixed blade. Any info would be great!
Posted By: coyotebc

Re: Trip to Vancouver BC - 03/20/15 07:35 PM

There are a HUGE number of hikes in the area around Vancouver from easy to hard
A couple of the more popular ones are
The Grouse Grind
Lynn Canyon
Lots of info on them if you google it
Downtown Vancouver would have people going bug eyed if you had a fixed blade strapped to your side
On a hiking trail no one would look twice

You get a lot of yuppie hippie dippy types on the Grouse Grind so a smaller fixed blade would be the order of the day

If you are further out away from the city day trails, no one much cares what you are packing

You can also google the Trans Canada Trail
Or if you are staying down town the Stanley Park Seawall is nice

In Canada
Push knives
Automatic knives
Gravity knives
Knuckle knives
Knives with blades under 12 inches long that are disguised as something else I.e belt buckles, hair brush or pens
Are all prohibited

Also NEVER carry a knife for self protection in Canada, that makes it a prohibited weapon
It is always to be used as a tool

I have carried knives my whole life and never had an issue

Pm me if you need more information
Posted By: coyotebc

Re: Trip to Vancouver BC - 03/20/15 07:37 PM

When hiking I commonly carry either my mud mutt or HEST
Posted By: coyotebc

Re: Trip to Vancouver BC - 03/20/15 07:41 PM

The only decent knife shop in Vancouver is Warriors and Wonders
Check out their website to see
Posted By: Shotgun

Re: Trip to Vancouver BC - 03/20/15 07:44 PM

Cool man thanks. Looks like the laws match pretty close to what we have here.

And I am a hippy dippy type. Just not a yuppie. And more hippy than dippy. wink
Posted By: coyotebc

Re: Trip to Vancouver BC - 03/22/15 07:31 PM
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