Originally Posted by Architect
Your YKCG is one of the best offerings ever from the Yard.

My favorite Dogs are (in no particular order): SOD CG, Scrapper 5 (SR101 and INFI), Scrapper 6, 411, Yard Keeper CG, Dogfather CG.

I'd consider a guy well equipped with a YKCG, SOD and DF.

Sadly, my Yard collection only has a few SR77s at the moment. I've sold all of my Yard SR101 to buy Busse Infi.

(I do have some Rat SR101 though)..

I think that the YKCG is a much more versatile blade then any of my other yard knives
As a general rule almost all of my hunting and camping knives are in the 3 to 5 inch blade length. And 1/8 or 3/16 in thickness

One thing I don't like that a lot of manufacturers do is that they shorten the handle length when they shorten the blade length

On a 3" hunting or camp knife I love a full sized handle, I don't give a rat's behind about a "balanced look", I want a secure comfortable grip

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102