Couple of things.

First, I have been called out of town and will not be able to get to the heavy beatings until later this week. . . I will update you as soon as I return.

Second, these are NOT Busse knives, they are Scrap Yard Knives. In no way does every individual knife offered from the three different "Busse Kin" lines reflect upon the other two. If so, then all knives will need to be made of INFI, in which case you can say goodbye to the Swamp and the Yard.

Third, let's try to stop all of the catty, grade school-like comments about these knives until these tests are finished. We will be destroying a number of blades to give you guys a really accurate performance envelope. We are dogs not pansies. . . let's act that way.

Fourth, I am very disappointed in a few people on this forum, there are only a few and they are certainly a very tiny minority. Armed with one man's unmeasured experience with a Swamp Rat blade, they have chosen to resort to ridiculous condemnations and accusations about the entire 154CM Scrap Yard line! Seriously? The malicious nature of these comments are unlike any I have read on these forums before and let it be known that they will no longer be tolerated. You must see the damage that you are doing not only to our reputation, but to your own as well. It is not the way of the Dog and it is done. Note how the man who actually broke the blade has been one of the most respectful on this issue.

There have been a number of Busse blades broken in the past 26 years. NEVER has a customer been left holding the bag, NEVER! Even if the knife was bought 20 years after its manufacture and purchased on the secondary market. EVERY customer with a problem has been satisfied. We carry on that great tradition at the Yard. We do it out of honor and respect for our customers and we do expect some level of respect in return.

I will be the first to condemn these blades if they do not perform to our standards. In all of the initial testing and destruction they proved themselves to be great performers. Period! We will photograph our destructive testing and leave it to you to decide if these fine blades will serve your needs or not.

We will be bending them in steel jaw vises, and literally pounding the sand out of them! Once we have finished going all Noss4 on them we will publish the data.

We do not make claims that we can not support.
