I think this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. It doesnt matter what this knife is made of it wont stand up to abuse like that and I am not saying Horn Dog abused his knife. Several posters have implied that the same knife made of INFI would have survived that test. I think not. A very similar new blade from Busse of which I have along with the new Scrapyard is the Boney Active Duty from Bussecombat. In part the website description says.
"The tips are VERY fine and are not designed for prying or heave abuse... No worries though. If you find yourself in a precarious situation and need to abuse your BAD,you are still covered by our warranty."
I think it says a lot about Dan that he is going to do whatever tests he does but in my opinion we arent owed an explanation. Just my 2 cents.

JYD #67 You cant make chicken salad out of chicken crap.