That guy is dismissed. Be off with him. The trend towards thicker blades happened primarily because it's a GOOD IDEA.

The people who think thin blades are all anybody needs have never *seriously* put their knives through the ringer. I would be scared to baton a 3/32" or 1/8" blade through hard wood. And the thicker, heavier blade makes chopping MUCH easier, and MUCH more efficient specifically because of the added weight.

If all you want to do is slice or stab, then a thin blade is fine. But don't come crying to me when your blade needs to be completely reprofiled because you chopped with it, or you dropped it out of a tree or off an embankment onto a rock and broke 1/2" off the tip, which has happened to me. I've also dug holes with my Yard Guard. I've chopped up exposed roots and hit rocks. I doubt somebody would be very successful doing that with a 1/8" thick blade. Of course that guy probably takes a hatchet into the woods in addition to his knife. I don't.

That said, all of this is just my opinion. To each his own, and if all somebody ever needs is 3/32", then more power to him. I like strength, durability and ruggedness myself, which is what brought me to Scrapyard in the first place.

And when I said "you" above, I didn't mean anybody in particular...

JYD #94