Chainsaw Trauma Kit in a blaze orange 1450 Pelican Case. Also shown is my field kit for event, housed in a 1650 Pelican Case
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Chainsaw Trauma Kit (Kit is a supplement to the "govt regulation kit" and is designed for major arterial trauma control, from chainsaw gashes.) I can treat up to 6 MAJOR chainsaw injuries, or 10 minor, or 2 amputations.)
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Field Kit contents, (not listing everything, there is way too much. Suffice to say i can treat upwards of 200 people for basic first aid and wounds) In addition, for festivals, i have a Pelican 350 Cube Case, filled with blankets, SAM Splints, wash basin, 20 x 1liter Saline or sterile water for wound irrigation, bleach, 99% isopropyl alky and SteriSoap for cleaning and cleaning up.)
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EDC/Woods Kit + PPE Kit: (ooh and that sneaky cat too!)
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woods kit contents:
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PPE Kit contents:
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Last edited by Bushman5; 02/27/09 03:06 AM.