i have mixed feelings about this one. I am secretly crying on the inside b/c i have don't have the $$, but absolutely love this color combo.

I am a little disapointed that Dan chose to offer this up during the ganza. Now people in the yard have to compete with all the hogs as well. These things would be difficult to get if the ganza was a dog only event in the first place.

But I'm sure about a million people will flame me reminding me that it's dan's company, dan's ball, dan's rules. I understand that. With such a sweet little deal as this, and such (i'm sure) a limited number, i would rather see a dog only ganza, or even a "we'll take email requests for one day and then have a lotto drawing for the chance" event.

But as always Dan's rules. I'm just some guy that buys as much of his product as I can possibly afford and don't understand the reasoning of letting these puppies go into the ganza only to have half or more of them show back up in the secondary market at inflated mark ups.

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