question #2: what knife/knives do you take out with you?
There are 3 Rat heads on the team and one Hog. We are pushing the products and making headway when they see what they do.
There is a Battlerat
Ratweiler original (mine)
Camp Tramp (my buddy's)
A Steel heart of some vintage
A smattering of Beckers, Kbars, Ontarios etc... round out the favs
The blade philosphy varies a bit on the teams but generally you either carry a small fixed blade and a fold down saw or you carry a larger blade and a SAK type folder. Some will carry a machette and at times we will hump in a chain saw.
My personal loadout for SAR ops is my RW, a SAK Fireman, and a Fiskars saw.
If it cant be done with those it cant be done.
When others see the RW chew up wood in record time they tend to gravitate towards large blades. Especially if they attend my survival course.