Since you will be hunting with it, the .30-06. I used to be concerned about recoil but it's really no biggie. I have a .25-06(which I love) and its good for coyote to whitetail, but for anything bigger the .30-06 is standard. Ammo availability is huge and you can't go wrong with that caliber. Plus, you probably won't be pushing distances that will require such a flat trajectory if you are hunting appropriately.
This is just my opinion and experience.
Back in 1972 I travelled to Sydney by train to buy a good rifle, scope and reloading gear. My mate always swore by the .270, so I had that in mind for my purchase.
The major gun shop had a large selection to pick from, but it came down to a Steyr Mannlicher-Schoenauer in .270 or a Mauser 3000 in 3006.
They were both high end rifles, but I chose the 06 as the salesman explained the benefits of the wide selection of projectiles. This rifle was intended to last me a lifetime. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
I scoped it with a Kharles Scope in 2.5 to 7 variable.
Over the years I shot two barrels out of it and was well into the third when I finally sold it not so long ago.
Australia is probably different in its terrain and game than the US, but here I couldn’t have wished for a better all round one rifle caliber.
Recoil was never a problem, but then it was rarely used over a bench rest, freehand you would never really notice recoil.
Over the years I had shot everything from Rabbits to Water Buffalo before I finally sold it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
I experimented with different projectiles, some loads good, and some not so good. I finally settled on 150gn as a good all rounder.
Over the years I shot thousands of cattle with it for butchering for the stations meat supply's, but pulled of some really nice long distance shots on Kangaroos, relatively simple game to kill if going for chest shots.
Water Buffalo is a different matter altogether though, but I would back the 06 any day on them if you managed to place the bullet where it should be.
My vote is for the 06. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
These days I have and use the .308, as I like the benefits of being able to use a shorter action.
Btw, my new rifle is the Mannlicher in .308 and I couldn’t be more happier with it.
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Go for the 06 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />