Scrap Yard Knife Company

Dealing Etiquette

Posted By: Gravelface

Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:42 AM

When conducting trades online what is the proper amount of time to give before you move in and try to get what is on the table?

Lets say Guy A has a knife that both Guy B and Guy C want. Guy B initiates a deal and for several days discuss what is on the table in between amasses a list of trade values and descriptions and getting pictures of all blades involved.....and after sending that out and not hearing anything back the following day resends the email. 4 days pass, Guy B not wanting to sound too eager or pressure/bother Guy A decides to call on the evening of day 4, only to find out Guy C called last night and got it in a deal on said knife. Upon the call from Guy B to Guy A, Guy B finds out that Guy A never got the value emails...neither time he sent it. Guy A assumed Guy B wasn't interested in the knife and Guy C got the knife. Guy C and Guy B have had deals in the past and are on good terms.....should Guy B ask Guy C to back out of the deal as it was a failure in communication that he didn't get the knife or should Guy B just leave it alone and wait for the next time. The knife is VERY uncommon and Rarely/NEVER come up on open trade.

This is of course a hypothetical situation and all GUY A,B, and C are all fiction....I just want the Packs thoughts on this.

Posted By: tedwca

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:51 AM

My head hurts now....
Posted By: VANCE

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:51 AM

i think that guy "b" needs to p00p or get off teh pot
Posted By: Magnum22

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:51 AM

i think they should thumb wrestle for it. in the event of a draw, however, the character of the two gentlemen must decide how things go. i don't think there should be a rule on this one. it seems to be guy c's knife at the end of the story and if he's an extremely nice guy, we're talkin ned flanders nice, he'll let it go.
Posted By: tedwca

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:54 AM

Speaking of knives, did you guys see the new green FBM fatties at BCS today?
Posted By: Horn Dog

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:11 AM

The only honorable thing is for all three, to give thier knives to guy D. BTW, I am guy D.
Posted By: Magnum22

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:17 AM

Speaking of knives, did you guys see the new green FBM fatties at BCS today?


edit: i don't wanna hijack this thread but oh man i see em!!!! did i miss it or haven't they hit the store yet? crap, i got a massive parking ticket today that coulda payed for a quarter of this knife.
Posted By: WhichDawg

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:23 AM

I think guy C should have contacted guy A immediately and told guy A if the deal doesn't go through , let me know, I'm interested (guy C), giving guy B his chance and being fair. This way you get first (second really) dibbs and not take the chance on being guy D, E, or Z!
Posted By: stansbrew

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:39 AM

Whats the darn knife?>!
Posted By: Dumpster Dan

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:42 AM

My head hurts now....


Posted By: Magnum22

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:42 AM

Whats the darn knife?>!

Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:57 AM

For grins lets call it a 1 of 300 SHBM....hypothetically of course.
Posted By: Kraz

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 04:59 AM

Each prospective buyer has a responsibility for posting their offers to the seller. The potential buyer assumes responsibility that the seller acknowledges and understands the offer. No purchaser or buyer should be forced to assume if or who the other buyers might be. A potential purchaser cannot assume that a transaction has not or will not occur without their input unless the seller has explicitly agreed to and stated this fact. In other words, the first "I'll take it" takes precedence unless otherwise agreed.

In any transaction you may only get one bid/offer. Don't assume you're the only bidder/buyer. Don't assume that you control the pace of the sale. Don't assume that your negotiation takes precedence. Don't assume that unacknowledged communication actually happened.
Posted By: J33psr0ck

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 05:01 AM

I really like the I'll take it rule. I don't trade or sell much, but when someone comes up with the "email sent" or "trade offer sent" and then goes mia, it delays people who actually can make the deal happen. I would actually rather pay $10 more on a $150-$200 items as a buyer and not go back and forth, but I suppose some people like the batering.

If someone can make the deal happen now, then it goes to them. I might feel diferently if the original intent of the item being offered was specifically listed for trade and not for sale, but if's it's for sale. Show me the money.
Posted By: VANCE

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 05:07 AM

I really like the I'll take it rule. I don't trade or sell much, but when someone comes up with the "email sent" or "trade offer sent" and then goes mia, it delays people who actually can make the deal happen. I would actually rather pay $10 more on a $150-$200 items as a buyer and not go back and forth, but I suppose some people like the batering.

If someone can make the deal happen now, then it goes to them. I might feel diferently if the original intent of the item being offered was specifically listed for trade and not for sale, but if's it's for sale. Show me the money.
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 05:21 AM

In this hypothetical situation Guy B was under the impression he was awaiting a response from Guy A.....trying to be patient and not to be pushy about the trade with Guy A.....then finally calls after a reasonable amount of only to find out that his offer was never received and the knife gone.

According to KRAZ "The potential buyer assumes responsibility that the seller acknowledges and understands the offer"

This was Guy's B assumption as Guy B sent 2 emails with the offer and now that is why Guy B is...I don't have the words for a family forum.
Posted By: J33psr0ck

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 05:27 AM

I would agree with Kraz as on that one. Tough situation that makes no one feel too good, but wheeling and dealing on anything is not like buying stamps. You win some and you loose some.
Posted By: Private Klink

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 06:41 AM

Money (in hand)talks; B.S. walks! Nuff' said!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: tony22r

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 07:01 AM

A. the slow dog gets no chow

B. e-mail sucks
Posted By: ksjumpmd

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 07:18 AM

In this hypothetical situation Guy B was under the impression he was awaiting a response from Guy A.....trying to be patient and not to be pushy about the trade with Guy A.....then finally calls after a reasonable amount of only to find out that his offer was never received and the knife gone.

According to KRAZ "The potential buyer assumes responsibility that the seller acknowledges and understands the offer"

This was Guy's B assumption as Guy B sent 2 emails with the offer and now that is why Guy B is...I don't have the words for a family forum.

My 2 cents GF,

It is frustrating and stinks when something like this happens and unfortunately it is one of the downsides of dealing and trading. Guy B put a lot of energy and research into the deal and was first in line, BUT perceived lack of communication by Guy B made A deal with Guy C. I've been there and lost out under very similar circumstances. However, I would not pursue Guy C to back out.

I would take the miss as wisdom bought and change the way I did things in the future. I've never really offended anyone by emailing or calling them to make sure they received my communication and interest in a deal.

Hypothetically, If Guy B wants a 1 of 6 or 1 of 300 and his desires are known across the forums, then eventually Guy B will probably get them. Hypothetically, if I decided to sell mine, Guy B would be the first to know.
Posted By: Bozoracing

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:22 PM

I really like the I'll take it rule. I don't trade or sell much, but when someone comes up with the "email sent" or "trade offer sent" and then goes mia, it delays people who actually can make the deal happen. I would actually rather pay $10 more on a $150-$200 items as a buyer and not go back and forth, but I suppose some people like the batering.

If someone can make the deal happen now, then it goes to them. I might feel diferently if the original intent of the item being offered was specifically listed for trade and not for sale, but if's it's for sale. Show me the money.

I too agree with this. If I'm selling, I'm selling for a reason and would like the funds asap. If I'm buying then I would like said item asap.
Posted By: Prince of Peace

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:56 PM

Guy B is in a sorry state to be sure. If I were B I would contact C and inform him of what happened. While also saying I sure did want that blade and after 7 days of trying to contact A got no response.
Would c consider trading for the same deal as was offered to A? Guy C may think about what is proper and honorable in that case.
If not, B should smile,shrug his shoulders and remember it's just a piece of steel,run to his wife kiss her,hug and kiss his children and thank God his life is so full of love! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Paddling man

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 03:59 PM

I would just call it a tough break for guy B. Guy A didn't hear anything over a reasonable period of time (that happens all the time) and he made a deal with C. I feel bad for B but if I were B, I would just call it fate and say "No Regrets."

Sales are easy and straightforward with an "I'll take it." Trades are a lot tougher to work out and remain fair to all parties but they can be rewarding with swapping unusual/rare pieces.

Guy P is looking for 2F (HOGFSH/MOASH Variant DC) from the KC Extravaganza of early 2006. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Private Klink

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 05:10 PM

Stacey - good to hear from you again! I hope all is well with you; are you going to make it to the Blade Show?

I still have to agree with the idea that the first "I'll take it" gets the goodies! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Tom
Posted By: Gravelface

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 05:14 PM

Guy P....I have only seen 1 of many were made?

I agree sales are a different animal than trades.
Posted By: DMelone

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 06:25 PM

Just call Guy A and let him know that you are still interested if the deal falls through. Also let him know that your email had failed you.
Posted By: WhichDawg

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/30/07 06:31 PM

you can always get some big dawgs with big knives to come take care of it for you!
Posted By: Paul the Brit'

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/31/07 12:14 AM

Sounds a tough situation.. Tell C what happened to see if he'll do the decent thing. If not go have a beer and write it off to experience. Perhaps in future ask for confirmation of receipt at the bottom your emails or use the 'opened receipt' tool on outlook?

Anyhoo tough break!
Posted By: Unsub

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/31/07 04:20 AM

I try to err on the side of being polite.
Posted By: Hog Butcher

Re: Dealing Etiquette - 05/31/07 07:20 AM

24 hours?
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