When I wear a plate carrier at work (not often these days thankfully) it is made by SORD, Aussie company that also has a manufacturing facility in the US (SORD USA). I have no complaints.
GD...don't get caught up in the "camouflage of the day” cycle either, I LOVE the look of some of the new pattern that have appeared over recent years BUT none really offer significant improvement over what is about and more over what you can achieve yourself with a rattle can and some sponges (on gear not shirts/pants/jackets). If you are buying nylon gear I am more incline these days to buy a solid colour and work it over with some paint/dye to make it match your AO. I guess what I am saying, is don’t hunt for a carrier or gear and settle for an inferior design/fitting just because it comes in the latest colour.
I have a good bit of gear in multicam (or MTP and the Aussie version) but FAR more in tan, coyote and OD green. The only reason I have accumulated the multicam I have is that the price came waaaay down with its broad use. NO WAY would I have paid the original asking prices. And yes, multicam works very well in most places I frequent but so does AusCam and some of my paint rubbed/splattered/sprayed worked even better…