
Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated and most likely brought on by excessive drinking without me. LOL

I did miss the Blade Show but that was due to my son Mike graduating from High School and as you only do that once!

I will tell you that it killed me to miss the show and have the opportunity to drink with you. By the way there is no truth that I missed the show because Cold One was in attendance and that I did not want to lose the coin challenge to him once again, that would have made 3 for him. Although, not attending sort of made me the winner of the coin challenge in a cheesy kind of way wink

The knife that I had hoped to bring out by now has caused me several mental fits. The trouble I have encountered was on the production side and it could not meet and or exceed the price to performance ratio. So… I cannot not release it.

With that said, stay tuned for the next offer that will be what you are looking for !!!
