Unless you can't ... wink

Interesting story, I have a work colleague that I live very much I have given her each season of The Walking Dead to watch, the one theme from our discussions is how differently we view the world. I see much of the bad that is played out in that series among the survivors (the walkers are just bit players) as being quite indicative of human nature, how some people will just go entirely feral and prey on those around them, how some will be nothing more than prey and some will walk the line much like the central characters in that show do. How the "good" people will have to do (with our eyes here in reality) appear to be bad things to survive. My friend is a realist but does not understand why "they can't all get along and work together.

If the rules went out the window here it is a sad indictment that those who are most prone to doing great bad will be the better armed, they all ready are.