Figured I could carry the Carbine and Shotgun with ammo along with my "regular" pack items. That would leave Patty carrying her "regular" pack load along with the 22 and pistol with ammo for each one. AFTER we get to our BOL (Bug Out Location). I would be "armed for Bear" with the full 9mm kit and possibly possibly the shotgun with a bandolier of extra shells. Then again, depending upon the situation, we WOULD know if anyone was coming and I might go with the shotgun. We've got a built in GREAT "ambush" site (an old cellar) that covers the non noisy access point. IF we were bugging out by vehicle I would throw my AR-15 in the Jeep along with it's dedicated ammo. Also included would be all the ammo for 22, 9mm, and the 12ga.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog