I'm glad that someone else thinks the way I do, Duct tape is the best---band aids fail when wet and are usally to small for the cuts I create

You might like this little idea I came up with. I’ve not seen anyone else do it besides me. I found a long, thick cotter pin, then wrapped a bunch of duct tape around it so I could put it on a keychain or whatever and keep duct tape with me. It’s really handy and easier than drilling a hole in a nail or something like other have suggested.

[Linked Image from i6.photobucket.com]

Here's the "survival" keyring I made a while back with it on there.
[Linked Image from i6.photobucket.com]

The bottom where you can see the pin is longer than the roll is wide.
[Linked Image from i6.photobucket.com]

[Linked Image from i6.photobucket.com]

And another neat way of carrying duct tape is this little caribiner setup that the sell at Walmart.
[Linked Image from i6.photobucket.com]

JYD #4