
(IMO) - There are a lot of great knives out there that try to do it all, but any one knife that tries to do it all is not going to do many things great.

I almost completely agree with you, and I think that I am probably the only person out there claiming that the Battle Rat is a do it all knife. It is true that the majority of work that I do with the BR is chopping, limbing trees, thinning brush and the like, but I have also used it for whittling, cutting up meat and vegetables in the kitchen and even slicing tomatoes. Thus far I have not tried to use it to create watermelon art.

While it is true that for each one of these tasks a better tool can be found, the BR does all of them well enough that I can get by without those other tools most of the time.

I do not have any argument with any one who prefers one knife above another, to each his own. But if I had to restrict myself to only one knife, mine would be a Battle Rat.