If it is one of the miliganzaaa AD's, I am pretty sure they are thicker than .150

I don't know Rat. I hope it's not thicker than .15". I thought the Miliganza blades were Muddy/Tan canvas but could certainly be wrong. I looked at the Busse Collector site to learn what I could but didn't see anything. I also looked atthe Busse sites to no avail.

Whatever it turns out to be, I'll give it a try. If it turns out to be a sharpened pry bar, I send it off to be modified. For me, to be useful, a knife this short has to be a slicer.

There were two Miligaaanza ADs, one sage the other muddy. I like the blade on the Miligaaanza ADs. In fact, I greatly prefer the AD to the Game Warden.

F5 like you mean it! JYD #15