A couple of questions:

(1) Will we be given some warning as to the anticipated release date and time of the Dog Father so that we can prepare our trigger fingers (and in some cases, our finances)? Or will the DF just suddenly appear on the web page?

(2) Will stock levels of the DF be sufficient so that it will survive the first purchasing assault and remain available for sale for awhile? Or will the release of the DF turn into another SS4 frenzy?

I promise to post a 24 hour warning when we are ready to put the Dog Father up for sale. There will be no coded messages or intriguing hints. I appreciate everyone’s patience’s. I am working at a feverish pace to insure that I have plenty of knives to feed the Dogs. The wait will be worth it and you will be pleased.

As far as the frenzy on the SS4, I didn’t guess it then and I'm not sure how to guess at it on this release. I do think this go around we will not have to deal with the INFI Hogs, just Ravenous Dogs.
