just saw it today at Sharp's house. I though it was really good, but I don't like movies that end poorly for the sympathetic protagonist. I mean, saving humanity? psh! I want him to live, or more importantly, I want him and his dog to live. But my favorite scene had to have been when he was in the bank looking for his dog...with the m4/flashlight, and the ownage

but I'm terrible about scary movies, I get way too freaked out about 4-5 hours afterwards. I was out driving late tonight, and I had my RMD within reach hahaha. Oh well, need to go watch the Italian job to brighten things up.

Oh, and someone mentioned Serenity as a good movie... as indicted by my sig quotes (which all come from the main character) ITS MY FAVORITE MOVIE, EVER!

Have you hugged your camp knife today?