I'm not real good at making fire. I know ... very unmanly! But, I think I know some guys who can help me out.
What I am talking about is basic. I can't keep a fire going even in my fireplace. I just keep shoving more and more newspaper under the grate. Man, it sure does look good when the paper is burning, but it eventually simmers down and goes bye-bye.
Here was my latest failure tonight. I started with some newspaper under the grate. Then I stack up some kindling, not too much. I light that up. Than I put on the kiln dried starter wood I got from the Home Depot. (I know, I know, but I don't exactly live in the woods). Once the paper burned off, the fire really simmered down. I put a log on, but that never really caught. So, I put more paper under the grate. My son thought it was really cool and was even impressed with dad at that point. However, once the paper burned off, the wood soon followed. I did this a few more times, but the same results. It is still smoldering now, but no real flame and hence, little heat, which is the whole point for me.
I need your help Dogs. My son thinks (correctly) that I can't make fire!
One other thing, I am getting a little burnt wood smell through-out the house. Is this normal?
Thanks Dogs!