Gents, I have a heavy, well actually very heavy, briefcase/messenger bag very similar to the Saddleback Leather bags. Recently, I have become disgruntled with it although it is sturdy and very handsome it just doesn't serve my purposes as well as I think "something" could. I have my pack options covered for hunting, hiking and camping(same pack) but that is an entirely different can of worms.

Although I am finished with school, and what I believed would be the end of toting gobs of books etc around, I have found that now I might actually carry more. Now it is files, a camera, a portfolio, pens, various literature and a laptop/charger. There are also the other things I carry anyway; phone, keys, multi-tool, flashlight, knives and the like.

I had tried a Filson bag, the "medium field", I believe it was called but my computer wouldn't fit in it.

So, what do you guys use?

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