Nice! But don't put it in the dishwasher!

I know its not stainless, and it sure attracts a magnet... but for my intended use (from blood to carving finished food) I really prefer the option of the dishwasher, especially with the little groves where the ResC meets the blade.

Dishwasher is not hot enough to break the heat treat, and I doubt it could hurt the ResC. Sure, a little rust is possible, but that cleans off. I figure this blade will take a blue treatment well to protect from rust.

fwiw, I just pulled her from the DW, very warm but not too hot to touch. ResC looks flawless.... a few little reddish spots that whipped off with paper towel/water. Tomorrow, I will do it again.

Once I am through the weekend, I will scotchbrite it as needed, and hit with something to encourage patina, or maybe cold blue if I can find it in the garage.

So far, I love it. Great grip too..

"All your Busse are belong to us" "All your Scrp Yard Knife are belong to us" No Regrets!