I'm gonna post all future photos i take in this thread, much like Evolute, to keep all me pics/threads contained!


Spent sat night with a good lady friend, a bottle of Barbados Rum and Coke for mixing, watching movies etc.

woke up Sunday morning, brain feeling right jiggered. Went home, fed the cat, crawled into bed. Cat curled up his lil belly full and content. Slept some more until about noon. Got up, packed the ruck, and headed out.

Took a little stroll thru the woods, snapping a few pics and breathing in fresh air. Cleared the head pretty good too.

Some 1/4" high yellow fungi:
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

A forest puddle reflecting the canopy:
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

looking straight up:
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

Making fuzzies with the knife i won from MUNKY88, from the night treasure hunt he put on locally:
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

Used my GB small forest axe to make a walking stick. check out the smoooth cuts:
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

fresh bootprint in the mud. Not mine. Not alone.......
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

A nurse log, feeding new growth, a never ending cycle......
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

a funky whorled rotten stump:
[Linked Image from i491.photobucket.com]

Last edited by Bushman5; 03/30/09 04:05 AM.