
By "too sharp of an angle for that particular task" you mean too shallow of an angle, correct? Steep angles = blunt edge and stronger where shallow angles = sharper edge but weaker.

Example:using a very sharp (shallow) angled edge to chop
on trees would not be too good a thing. Would it work,probably,
would it last,not as long as a more "steep angled" blade would.
Using the correct blade for the correct job is important
if you want the edge to remain sharp as long as possible.
I have 2 types of knives for camping now.
1 with a shallow angled edge for slicing,food prep,sharpening
sticks etc, and the other with a more steep edge for
chopping,digging,grunt work.
The edges hold up fine for quite a while without resharpening
in the field.

JYD #76