From what I've been reading, it seems I'm not the only one to find the Muk surprisingly excellent. Which is not to say that I didn't expect excellence, just not as excellent, if that makes sense. From the photo and the specs you know you're getting a great knife, but when it hits your hand and you use it for a while, you catch yourself saying, pardon my language, holy SH!T, I mean, [censored], this is a great knife! Substantial but not heavy, classic but advanced, can I get a witness when I say extremely, pace-settingly comfortable? Resilient, useful, and okay ladies and gents PRETEND you don't care it's an envy magnet - people who don't know knives say "Heyyyy, what's that?"

And people who DO know knives say "Heyyyyy, what's that?"

If I could go back in a time machine and rename this thread, I wouldn't. This has to go on my desert-island list.

- hatchet, check

- flint, check

- first aid kit, check

- encyclopedia, check

- whiskey, check (you know, medicinal purposes)

- Muk, check

I guess that about covers it.