Breaking News

Nazi zombies claiming to be the ghosts of of the dead underpaid creditors, bankers, and union workers of years passed are mounting an assault on the country. They feed on the brains of liberals, teenagers, and sheeple. All victims are then assimilated in the zombie regime and their numbers are increasing.

All dogs are advised to assemble in the previously undisclosed location code named 3WGS. All dogs should be armed and prepared to defend a post on the island. Each refugee/militia man will also be responsible for a trade, e.g. grilling, hunting, sea transport, et cetera.

Now who's bringin what?

Don't forget the rebel flag car tags or you may be mistaken for Yankee Banker Nazi Zombies, and be intercepted by BIGA Security Forces. It you can't find any rebel car tags, just paint a large #3 on your vehicle, have a Marlboro in your mouth, and a beer in one hand. You will be waved through.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.