Ive always loved knives even from a young age. My dad bought me my first knife when i was like 5 or 6 it was some cheap knock off swiss army knife but i loved it. When i got into my teens i was a huge Smith & Wesson floder lover ( don't laugh haha )

My uncle works for our local police department and told me alot of the cops and swat team carry them. So naturally i thought they where the best. Then i got into guns and would read alot of gun mags. Thats when i found out about cold steel. I always thought there knives where to pricey and never got one.

One day i was browsing around the net and found Bladeforum. I started reading up and found out about scrapyard knives and quickly fell in love with the S6. At the time the only models that where out was the S4 , DogFather and S6. For about 4 months i kept on checking the SY store to see when the S6 would be ready to order. I had no idea how things worked. Then i decided to post on the forum to see what the hell was going on haha. And from then on i got sucked into the yard. I never got my S6 but i did manage to score a DM. The happiest day of my life lol. Soon after i was lucky enough to score a DogFather from when Dan had a few from a military over run. Soon after i got into Ranger knives and have read up on alot of other makers.

Junk Yard Dog #38

[P]ositive [E]nergy [A]lways [C]orrects [E]rrors