Yeah guys I am gonna do ALOT more to this puppy so I am gonna keep updating with stuff I do. I wanna keep her so no breaking is in order for it but I do want to see what this SR77 can do. I have found that it does not get as nasty sharp as some other steels but gets an edge that is very good for wood work and chopping. The thing is THICK and I have no fears of battoning or prying with it. I just make sure I am not prying with the very tip(though I think that could take alot). I am happy with the sheath and it is a comfortable fit and rides well. The coating as always is great and gets a smoothness to it instead of just tearing off. I do recommend reprofiling the edge if you are going to do alot of slicing with it. I pulled mine back to around 20 degrees on both sides and I am certain it was thicker than that when I got it. It slices much better however Its probably not going to handle the impacts as well. We'll See. Cannot wait to see more. This ones got me excited.