You'll probably have no trouble passing the SoD along, but I've got to ask why don't you plan to keep it?
I took my dog to the vet today for her annual checkup; I said that she seemed a bit off of her appetite and that she'd been acting constipated lately. They them talked me into almost $250 worth of tests and meds (and I'm supposed to take her back in a couple weeks for the the shots I actually took a half day off for today). They "gave" me a weeks worth of special dog food (and charged me over $2 per can for it). I also had to buy Pepcid AC for her and have to try to figure out how to get her to take that and two other meds -- even if I was allowed to give her hot dog pieces, which I'm not, she's always chewed carefully and spits out any pills.
Anyway, as I was pulling into my driveway after the vet visit, the postman was pulling away. I had a pick-up notice, and made a dash to the post office -- they allowed me to pick the Scrap Yard package up from the loading dock rather than having to come back when the front office was open in the morning. I also received a package from Jeff, which I still need to open -- I may well be posting about that next.