That knock out of Bisping was epic....thank the starts for DVR....we backed up and watched that about 10 times last night. I love Hendo's style...very little smack talking...but a huge serving of smack down.

I think ultimately this will make Bisping a much better fighter. He needed to be humbled and he most certainly was.

I was disappointed that Brock won...I just don't like the dude, but I can't deny he's a beast and won in a hand downs convincing manor.

We need to see a GSP/Silva fight at 185.

We need to see Fedor and Lesnar fight.

On another note...I must be getting old. I haven't had a hang over on just beer in quite a while. I'm glad I didn't bust out the Basil Hayden or I'd really be in a world of hurt.

you can call me digs