Thanks Andy you are a very well read guy that is for sure. I was just kidding about the stock market thing but if you are related to Warren Buffet then give us the inside scoop !
But since we are talking money I have found that actively managed funds out perform Index funds in the short & long run. I've had pretty good luck over the past 13 years by following the advice of Dan Weiner. Dan owns a website called "The Independent Advisor for Vanguard Investors". I don't follow all of his advice but if you look at his model portfolios you'll see he is right more times than he is wrong even in down markets (compared to the averages).
You aren't kidding about buying and selling Bussekin knives based on what I have seen thus far. I would feel bad about doing that though. Also eventually I have to think the Busse's are going to take their prices way up or look to more of a boutique business model with limited supply and high prices. It won't kill the 3rd party market but it will cripple it.