I'd be surprised if multiple handle options are offered on the LE -- even Busse Combat LEs only come in a single configuration. I'd assume that's an unwritten part of the definition of what a "Limited Edition" is.

I don't know if there'll be a limit or not. An INFI S5 LE has potential to generate a lot of sales among Hogs, Rats, and Dogs, and since I expect quantities to be limited, they could potentially sell out in seconds if there's no limit. The only purchase limit I recall was on the MOD. Personally, I'd favor a limit, although I don't necessarily agree that it should be set at only one. I'd also guess is that the S5 LE will be released for at least $179.95, although it could well be $199.95 -- does anyone doubt they'll sell at that price?

My opinion may change by the time they;re released, but at the moment, since I already have 11 S5 CGs (I traded one of my 12), I'd probably order one LE, possibly two, but I'd also guess that any bought as an investment will yield a tidy return.

JYD #60