OK, I've got my First Aid kit (I think) done. Here's the list

Several band-aids, assorted sizes.
antibactrial ointment, tylenol, benedryl and sudafed pills, also immodium.
and some hi-power sinus meds (or so the package says). otc stuff.
3 pair rubber gloves
roll of gauze and about 30 2x2 inch gauze pads.
a roll of medical tape and tweezers, a magnifier and a syringe (body only) to wash out any cuts).
a razor knife (about 2 inches long)and fingernail clippers.
a pair of hemostats (don't really know why, I just had a pair) and an Arc aaa LED flashlight.
I've also got 8 alcohol wipes and 8 iodine prep pads.
I plan on getting some burn gel (probably Burnaid), as it was the hightst rated on some research I found on the 3 largest sellers.

Any OBVIOUS omissions that I should include? I've got it in a Pelican 1050 case and still have some room. I also velcroed another smaller case, (about 5x3x1 1/2 inch)to the top and that has the gloves and individual compartments for the meds (they are all in bubble packs).

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog