Wiggitty, thanks for bringing this up. I was just getting to find this thread and make my comments on it.
After thinking about it for a while nad looking rifles over I decided I was going to go ahead and do a M1A or M14s rifle despite the cost of ammo. I figured that I will just buy good reloadable ammo as I can and save the brass.
I was able to trade a black powder cartridge rifle that I could not shoot in comps due to an eye problem for a May of 1994 manufactured standard M1A. This M1A has a H&R brl, TRW bolt, H&$ op rod, SA sights, H&R trigger group, a synthetic black krinkle painted stock, so all GI except the receiver. The standard also has a S gen III mount. Shoots really well. All I want to change is camo the stock, get a GI butt plate, NM the flash hider, get a nice tiger striped or high figured wood stock, a GI sling, and a bayonet.
The next day I ended up trading off my varmint AR due to the same eye problem and learning to shoot left handed behind a scope. This time I traded for a SA M1A SOCOM. The rifle is stock, but has had the stock camoed. I love the balance and feel of the SOCOM. I figured that it will be a good pig/deer gun. I want to add a Aimpoint T1 or H1 on the scout rail since this allows me to shoot rt handed, a 2 pt Vickers dling, a rail section for a light, and that is about it.
I can think that I need to acquire some spare parts as I like having them on hand but it is nice knowing that the rifles are factory guns from SA and carry their warranty.
Anyway, I took both out last Sunday after church and fired some rds. I could not tell a lot of difference in recoil or accuracy at 100 yds. I am happy to say the least! Thanks for all those who replied to this thread too. I know, pics will come but you guys have figured I am a little slow in the pic dept.