Posted this on Bladeforum but thought it would make an interesting subject here as well !

With the spate of world disaster type movies recently and all the talk of pandemics etc I got to thinking of what knife would serve ya best ?

So lets imagine for a minute that the Sh*t has hit the fan, it might be a huge natural disaster such as flooding, it may be an attack from another country or it may be a lethal pandemic. Society is now breaking down, there are looters everywhere and your home is no longer a safe option you have to hit the road !
Your go bag is ready, you have grabbed a few small valuable possessions and now it comes time to choose your steel-No time to pick and mix, just grab one and get out quick !
. Let's think what this knife may be needed for:
Food preparation.
Defence from violent attacks( there may be looters desperate for supplies and trying to take yours).
Possible building of shelter( You might need to hide out in the wilds for a while for this to blow over ).
Breaching of doors ( Maybe ya find a cabin in the woods or need to breach an abandoned store for supplies).
Fire preparation ( no explaination needed).

So ya see this needs to be a versatile tool, what kinda knife would you choose ? This doesn't have to be one you own it might be one you'd like to own or even one you'd design ! Let's hear what blade size they are as well !