Since you specified "SY Knife"

Got my SOD a little over a year ago. Got hooked on Busse-kin - FFBM, Sus Scrofa, two M9s, an EH3 (why the hate for recurves?). Work called so for a while there I was off the path. In November I had a friend detaching so I wanted to get him something good and scored a SJTAC ETS - "embrace the suck" fits this guy! Downtime during the holidays left me with some other scores.

With what happened in Haiti I decided to scrub my "natural disaster" bag, swap out the trail mix, etc. Pulled out my SOD and after handling a few Busse-kin over the past month, well, this baby is going back in the bag ready for whatever comes. Big and small, hefty, durable, comfortable. Pretty sure it's gonna come through when needed.

Thanks Scrapyard.

"Gosh, you have a lot of nice toys here." - Roy Batty