You know, tolerance (in reference to alcohol) is an amazing thing. When I was in the service (Semper Fi) I used to be able to drink (with my supervisors) until 4 a.m. and be at work (with those same supervisors) by 6 a.m.

Now, I can't stare at a bottle of NyQuil for too long without one full day off afterward.

Thank god for my current schedule (four twelve-hour days on and four off, then four twelve-hour nights on and four off. Alternating days and nights with all of the overtime I want). I just started a 4 day drinking binge!

Tonight, it's Gentleman Jack.

Last edited by Spider-Pig; 01/24/10 05:31 AM.

USMC 1997-2002. 6173 CH-53D Sea Stallion Helicopter Crew Chief and Flightline Mechanic. Semper Fi!

"Be still, Taggart!"