Thanks for the compliments!

Diggin the turquoise dude.
You are an artist.
Are the reconstituted stone pens heavier?

To answer your question, yes, the reconstituted stone pens are heavier. I like that they are heavier, though. My girlfriend, however, thinks that these larger pens made of the recon stone are too heavy. It's all personal preference.

As a side note, I really like these recon stone pens. I prefer turning wood because it's easier and I like the natural look of wood, but to get a nice shiny (I like shiny) finish on wood that is durable, it seems a CA glue finish is what's best. However, it's a bit time consuming to apply at least 6 or more coats of CA glue to the pen. What I like about the recon stone is that it's more natural looking than the acrylic pen blanks, and it doesn't require any application of a finish.

Oh, I don't know that I'd call myself an artist for making these. Having the right tools for the right job definitely helps!