Problem with Team Canada is that it picks some of it's players based on who they used to be.
Look what we did this time around
Ignla - Having perhaps his worse season ever in the NHL
Marty B - perhaps the greatest goalie of all time but he had a brutal play-off last year and hasn't played well this year
Pronger - has been brutal for most of this NHL season
Neidemier - another one that has just been brutal this NHL season

Marty lost us the game verse the US and almost lost us the game against the Swiss
Except for the game against the Russians Pronger and Neidemier have looked old and slow
Ignla has not performed at all except against the lower level team

Unlike most nations Canada has enough top level players that we could easily make two Olympic teams so there is no reason for us to keep making the same mistakes and putting players on our team that are having bad seasons simply because they used to be great

They actually have a much younger team than Turin, you should check your facts before we hang you for treason re: your above comments.

At the end of the day they are on and its one game, the past is irrelevant and its going to be war on ice.

Never said they were an older team,what I said was after Turin Hockey Canada said we would not make the same mistake and guys would have to earn their spot.
Those 4 guys have not played well enough in the regular NHL season to be on this team. Pronger and Neidemier have been brutal during the regular season and Iginla has been mediocure at best.
I hope Canada wins but I don't think the old and slow Pronger and Neidemier where the right choices when Hockey Canada knew they would face some young fast NHL players.
If Canada plays tomorrow like they did against the Russians, they should win

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102