Hi Zogg...welcome to the YARD!

The business model is to release products in cycles. They announce a new release, and then put it on their website for purchase.

You can go to the store now, and you will find the Regulator / De-Regulator's still for sale. Please note these will not be around long, as they are about to be replaced with the ScrapiZashi (sword).

Take a look on Ebay or BladeForums exchange (busse / scrapyard / swamprat) for people selling their Dumpster Mutts. You can also find them at shows, when the Busse group attends.

Some of the wiser Dogs will pitch in here, and help explain it better than me.

Again, welcome aboard!

JYD #121
The chief cause of unhappiness and failure is trading what you want most in life for what you want at the moment.