I have always looked at survival differently, in fact I used to call myself a survivalist until I looked it up on the net. It seems everyone assosciates survivalist with "nutjob who is packin' guns and bombs"
My view of survival is to get me through a couple days in the wilderness until I can be rescured. I like to practice spark based firemaking and shelter construction as my primary skills. I also like to practice constructing traps, primative fishing and whittling wood tools. I agree that to many people get caught in the romance of survival and think its adrenaline rush.
As far as the SHTFEOTWASWKI scenario, I am losely prepared for it but most likely if we are in that situation we will be dealing with radioactive environments and contaminated food/water supplies. Even those who think they are prepared will only be able to survive in that environment a short period of time.
Just my .02

I'm a crazy rabid squirrel and I want my cookies!