You have exactly the same taste as me when it comes to guns and knives Bozoracing.
What do you think of the 5.45/39? I have heard a lot of people say it sucks compared to 7.62/39 but then the former soviet sniper I read an interview with says he and the sov soldiers really liked it. Since any AK based rifle even the Sagia shotgun and SVD is illegal in canada I won't be trying it out anytime soon.
What is it like as far as buying surplus ammo? From what little information I could find it is more accurate at longer range than 7.62 and easier to control on full auto but loses some punch at close range.

I finished the comic book DVD I made you and I will stick it in the mail tomorrow.
You will love it ,I put 300, Planatery ,Preacher ,Losers and a couple Palidin Press classics.

"if you want to be a hero you have to learn to drive stick"! Sara Conner