First I want to thank everyone for the congratulations and well wishes. A fellow dog asked me how everything was going so I figured that I would go ahead and give an update.

My initial announcement was based on a home pregnancy test that we took. When we had our appointment with my wife's OBGYN the Doctor said that that it would likely not be a fruitful pregnancy. Our follow up appointments confirmed this and yesterday my wife miscarried. This pregnancy has mirrored our first pregnancy almost exactly. My wife had a very hard time with it the first time. The second time it resulted in a beautiful little boy named Rhett. This time it's me that's having a hard time with it. The Doctor says that we can start trying again next month. I ask you all to please keep us in your prayers.

Thank you,


USMC 1997-2002. 6173 CH-53D Sea Stallion Helicopter Crew Chief and Flightline Mechanic. Semper Fi!

"Be still, Taggart!"