First off I want to thank EVERYONE for their thoughts and prayers for Patty. It means a lot to BOTH of us. You all DO have a pack mindset, when one member of the pack is sick/hurt the others tend to them. THANK YOU!

Ok, called the Doctor today and told the lady on the phone what we were told. She was totally blown away and expressed much sympathy and apologies for what/how it was told to us. She then gave us over to the Doctors Nurse and she said: Patty is BORDERLINE renal failure. They told her to come off the Metformin because can/does mess with the Kidneys and that if she stayed on it her Kidneys WOULD fail. They told her to do her best with diet to control the Diabetes but that IF her blood sugar level got to 150 or above to call them. They also told her that if she noticed any other changes to let them know, ref the shaking, urination etc.

She is still in hot water, but at least now it's not boiling and it has (we pray) a chance to turn to room temperature. They said that they are hoping the by taking her off the Metformin it will "give her kidneys a break" and they can repair themselves at least as much as they can. Like I said, don't really know what this means for the long haul but it is at least looking up some for now. BUT she still has the birth defect with her Kidneys to deal with and the Chronic Kidney/bladder infections.
At least she sees her Urologist AND the Endocrinologist both next month. So please keep thinking of us as we do you, and again THANK YOU ALL!

Randy and Patty

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog