A long while back, I posted about a deal that I made with another JYD, whom I shall not name although I recognize that not doing so may be frustrating to those not familiar with the story. The short version is that a bit over two years ago, I sent a dog Father and some money to buy two MOD7s from a JYD who was going to buy them for me for me from an acquaintance. I never received the knives, and there were several emails exchanged over a long period of time, indicating that I'd receive them soon. Eventually, I gave up on the deal, and was quite angry, but realistically, what can you do that won't be more trouble than than what you're already out?

Anyway, I made another attempt to contact him recently, and while I didn't receive the knives, he did refund what I'd paid and made with a sincere apology, which I feel is a satisfactory conclusion. The reason I'm posting is in case anyone here felt a grudge on my behalf, I want to say that I've been made whole -- it took longer than it should, but I've accepted his apology, so it's done and behind us. Anyone who doesn't know the story or who I'm talking about, there's no need for you to. Sorry that this post may seem cryptic, but since I complained here, I wanted to pass along that it's OK now, but without dredging up details about an issue that I consider to be resolved.

JYD #60