I agree with RN, [by the way, that khuk you have is a GREAT shape/design]

Who's to say that the MOAD can't be a Khukri? A new design flared res-c handle would be perfect for this. The Mother Of All Dogs deserves her own handle wouldn't you say? 1/4" thick and 10-13" long without too much bend, much like RN's pictured Khukri.

Heres a picture of my new Khuk, after seeing RN's Tamang I had to have a smaller khukri for myself, not as good of blade shape but she bites HARD!

[Linked Image from i1226.photobucket.com]

We haven't seen alot of SR77 as of late from the yard and this would be a great knife to bring it back on! Does differential heat treating benefit SR77 like it does SR101?

JYD # 146