I echo What Dan said and of course, considering my job, PLEASE if you drink, don't drive!
I also echo what Yote said. Yes, we are from all countries, political beliefs, religions, races and things we just believe in. BUT we conduct ourselves in a manner that I personally think the rest of the world should emulate! Even when we disagree we don't fight. AND we go out of our way to NOT offend one of our own, yet we all band together to condemn the "Bad Guys" of the world, realizing it is the FEW in any race, creed, national origin or belief that are the ones that should not be tolerated. The vast majority of the people of the world just want to be left to live their lives in peace without bothering anyone. That's a good way to live.
So My wish for ALL of you is Peace and prosperity in your lives, freedom from persecution and a willingness to help others that are truly in need.