Don't really know if this will be any help, but here goes.

1. I have always heard good things about butler creek products. Personally I think you need to evaluate IF you NEED a folding stock Vs just WANT one. There is a difference. You indicated you were concerned about a possible decrease in accuracy.

2. Copper clad bullets will help keep the leading of the barrel down, but personally I have never had a problem with this, just clean your weapon (no you DO NOT need to clean it after every shooting session, unless it is several weeks or months between sessions).

3. Start off getting several different brands and kinds of ammo. Find out which ammo your particular weapon shoots the best (most accurate) then buy as much of that ammo as you can. This will possibly overcome the accuracy loss (if any) you experience by going to a folding stock.

Just a personal note, the 10-22 is not a large weapon. You already have the most durable one they make, SS and Synthetic. It carries nicely just the way it is. Again, just my 2 cents worth.

Hope this helps.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog